Essai de typologie de l’art numérique, et François Zajega à la galerie Charlot
Links about GLSL shaders in Godot engine
Visit @ museum boijmans[1], rotterdam, 2017/09/17
Scanimate News Report
Je tends à penser que le nom même d'art est devenu un cache-misère pour éviter de penser les vraies questions esthétiques - ca fait un bien fou d'entendre ca! Je ressens qqle chose de cet ordre-là, intuitivement, sans vraiment prendre le temps de le formuler à cause de mon implication dans la production d'objets et dans le sensible de leur expérience.
À quoi sert l’art ? par Bernard Stiegler sur youtube
"Les systèmes automatisés ont envahi notre quotidien via les applications pour smartphone, les GPS, les objets connectés, les robots ou drones domestiques – et bientôt les voitures sans conducteur. Chaque jour plus innovantes, ces technologies se proposent de soulager notre esprit, de nous épargner des efforts inutiles et de supprimer frictions et ralentissements dans nos vies.
Censés alléger le travail des ouvriers et accroître les gains de productivité, l'au..." -
Remplacer l'humain - Nicholas Carr, 2017 - babelio
“Free software” means software that respects users' freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer”. We sometimes call it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis.
In order to foster a free and fair society I affirm that I will practice my profession with responsibility and with dignity.
>> Manifesto for Responsible Software Development
Reading Interfaces - - The division and the implicit hierarchy between the user who accesses the interface and the developer who has insight into the underlying code sparks many questions. How does an interface expose and translate the underlying digital objects? To what extent does it frame and script the user behaviour? Are coding skills necessary for computer literacy? And is it possible to actively/deeply engage with software, if one confines oneself to the provided interface?
Subjectivité narcissique et sciences. Interview avec Étienne Klein sur youtube.
Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain
Artworks have become an ‘asset class’, increasingly bought to be hidden away in warehouses in the peculiar nonzones known as freeports.
The REAL reason we use Linux
We tell people we use Linux because it’s secure. Or because it’s free, because it’s customizable, because it’s free (the other meaning), because it has excellent community support… But all of that is just marketing bullshit. We tell that to non-Linuxers because they wouldn’t understand the real reason. And when we say those false reasons enough, we might even start to believe them ourselves.
La Stratégie du Choc, documentaire: youtube
Les nouveaux chiens de garde, film documentaire: wikipedia
Les apprentis-sorciers du climat, documentaire arte[2] youtube
online identity ∋ [ social ∋ [mastodon♥, twitter®, facebook®, diaspora, linkedin®]
∥ repos ∋ [github®, gitlab♥, bitbucket®, sourceforge] ∥ media ∋ [®, vimeo®, peertube♥,®, tumblr®] ∥ communities ∋ [godotengine♥, openprocessing, stackoverflow, threejs]]